Never regret or dwell on yesterday’s mistakes or
decisions. They are a part of the learning curve that is called
life. The greatest gift you can give yourself is to start each day anew
taking what you have learned from yesterday, putting it to good use today, and
bettering yourself and your life with it tomorrow.
Hope will turn the cold into warmth, your weakness into strength, and your sadness
into joy.
Give yourself some time. Whether you need time to think it
over, time to heal, time to have fun, or time for doing nothing whatsoever,
it's yours if you just give time to yourself.
It is important to take time to see the
beauty in the world that surrounds you. Watch a sunrise or sunset, observe the
vibrant colors of nature's changing seasons, or count the stars on a moonless
night. Enjoy the gift you have been given of life on this earth and all it has
to offer.
All things are possible for those who believe. Faith is
sometimes the only thing you have, but what a gift it is. With faith you
can press on in the midst of adversity. Have faith, and it will light
your path.